
The effect of social comparisons on commute well-being

Abou-Zeid, M. and Ben-Akiva, M., The effect of social comparisons on commute well-being, Transportation Research Part A, Article in Press, 2011.相変わらずブログを放置気味だったし,D論書かなきゃいかんけど春なので時間も少しあるということで論…

Dynamic commuter departure time choice under uncertainty

Jou, R.-C., Kitamura, R., Weng, M.-C., Chen, C.-C., Dynamic commuter departure time choice under uncertainty, Transportation Research Part.A, Vol.42, pp.774-783, 2008.通勤行動の出発時刻選択に対して,許容可能な最も速い出発時刻tEと就業開始時…

Coping with unreliable transportation when collecting children: Wxamining parent's behavior with cumulative prospect theory

T. Schwanen, D. Ettema, 2009, Coping with unreliable transportation when collecting children: Wxamining parent's behavior with cumulative prospect theory, Transportation Research Part A, vol.43, Issue.5, 511-525.親が子どもを保育所に迎えに…