
Estimation of a Dynamic Auction Game

Jofre-Bonet, M. Pesendorfer, M, 2003, Estimation of a Dynamic Auction Game, Econometrica, Vol.71, No.5, pp.1443-1489.かなり難しかった.再度読む必要はあるけど,構造自体は読み込むことでよくわかった.実証においては評価値分布が非常に重要という…

Public vs Private Offers in the Market for Lemons

J. Horner, N. Vieille, 2009. Public vs Private Offers in the Market for Lemons, Econometrica, Vol.77, No.1, 29-69. Keywords Bargaining delay impasse observability lemons problem

On Forward Induction

S. Govindan, R. Wilson, 2009. On Forward Induction, Econometrica, Vol.77, No.1, 1-28. Keywords Game theory equilibrium refinement forward induction backward induction